#RAW: A bunch of run-on sentences about being kinda normal with the crazy-awesomeness of my life.

#RAW: A bunch of run-on sentences about being kinda normal with the crazy-awesomeness of my life.

B. jepang Terjemahkankan teks percakapan berikut ke bahasa jepang (tanpa menggunakan google translate)

Bayu : Selamat pagi Chika
Chika : Selamat pagi juga, apa kabar?
Bayu : Baik, kalo kamu?
Chika : Baik juga
Bayu : Chika, Kelas bu Nur itu kapan ya ujiannya?
Chika : Ujian akhir?
Bayu : Bukan, Ujian tengah semester
Chika : UTSnya besok Senin
Bayu : Gawat!
Chika : Kenapa?
Bayu : Aku belum menyiapkan catatan
Mending ngene
Bayu : Boleh aku meminjam catatan mu
Chika : Boleh, mau aku fotokan atau kamu datang kerumahku?
Bayu : aku datang ke rumah mu saja. Kamu ada di rumah pukul berapa?
Chika : aku di rumah dari jam 3 sore
Bayu : aku akan datang ke rumah mu pukul 4
Chika : Oke, sampai jumpa
Bayu : Oke, Terimakasih

B. inggris 1.Read this short text
Ms. Patter, a minimalist, gives four tips on how to start your minimalist wardrobe. First, there is no exact limit for how many items of clothing should be owned by a minimalist. Second, the most important for decluttering your wardrobe are: choose well and make it last. Third, being minimalist doesn’t mean that you have to wear only monotone colors, be colorful and versatile. Lastly, be considerate, do not just chuck your unwanted stuff into the landfill, but try to donate, gift, or sell them first. As a minimalist it is very important to recycle and increase the value of waste since protecting the environment is also one of the goals of minimalists.

Based on the text above, decide which of the following statements are true!

a. These tips come from a person who adopts a minimalist lifestyle.
b. it is known that there are specific rules about the number of outfits owned by a minimalist.
c. a minimalist could decide how many clothes they want to keep when they tried to declutter their wardrobes.
d. patter believed that a minimalist should be able to decide what items they wanted to keep and used them for a long period of time.
e. a minimalist cannot use more than one color
f. patter suggested that a minimalist should choose colors that are easy to mix and match
g. throwing away unwanted stuff is the last option to declutter too many clothes.
h. when you are prepared to be a minimalist, it is suggested to give away items that are not needed
i. saving nature is also one motivation of a minimalist
j. dumping the unwanted stuff is more efficient than selling than in a thrift shop